Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Battle Over Community College Tuition Hike

Here is the link where I commented on one of my classmate's editorials:

To read more about this article click the link:

Friday, August 3, 2007

Drinking and Driving

A new act has been made a law that places drunken drivers behind bars for life if they kill first responders. Some may say that this punishment is too severe, but I believe action should finally be taken. Not only should drunken drivers be placed in prison for life for killing people such as police officers, firemen, or paramedics, but they should also suffer these consequences for taking any other human being's life. No one deserves to die by a drunken driver and nobody should ever get behind the wheel if they are inebriated. This law is a good way to prevent others who do drink and drive from ever doing it again. Some may think that it may not ever happen to them, but life is just to short to test your limits.

Since 2002, nine Texas police officers have been struck and killed by drunken drivers. This statistic proves that drinking and driving is dangerous. If nine police officers were killed, the number of non first responders must be astonishing. I am greatful that this law has passed and I hope that this will reduce the amount of people who do drink and drive.

To read more about this article click this link: