Friday, July 27, 2007

Steroid Testing

A new Texas state law may now require high school student athletes to pay for their own steroid testing. Although the State is paying for the first test, students are required to pay for the retest. Some may say that this is unfortunate for students because steroid testing is around $130, but this retesting will only occur if the first test results are positive. Because the State of Texas is paying for the first test and is contributing about $3 million to this test for student athletes, I think this is beneficial for the students and for the school as well.

Some may disagree that paying for a retest is unreasonable because some dietary supplements may affect the testing of steroids, making the results positive. I believe if a student can afford dietary supplements, he/she can afford a steroid testing.

As a former high school athlete, I would like to see this law passed because it provides safety for the children and informs parents whether or not their children are involved in drug usage. Many athletes who are involved in steroids have the higher advantage in winning compared to those who do not use them because steroids are known as performance enhancers. This is not fair to the student who does not use these substances, nor is it fair to the school.

To read more about this article click this link: